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Patients' Rights

Patients' Rights

Every single individual who visits a health institution in order to receive relevant health services has the following rights:


Benefiting from the services offered in a general sense: To make use of the activities with regard to encouragement of a healthy life within the frame of justice and equity and of protective health services.

Receiving services in equality

To benefit from the services provided regardless of race, language, religion, sect, political ideology, philosophical belief, economical and social states.


To learn about all kinds of services and opportunities.

Selecting and changing health centres

To select and change the health centre and make use of the health services offered by the selected health centre

Knowing, selecting and changing the personnel

To learn the identifying information, duties and titles of the doctors and other personnel providing or to provide relevant health services and to select or change them.

Information Requests

To request all kinds of verbal and written information with regard to their health statuses.

Patients' Rights



To receive all kinds of health services in such an environment that attaches importance to confidentiality.

Consent and Approval

To be requested their consent in terms of medical interventions and benefit from the services offered within the frame of such consent,

Rejection or suspension

To reject and/or request the suspension of the treatment.


To receive relevant health services in a safe environment.


Religious obligations

To perform religious obligations to the extent that the health care centre can offer and within the frame of the administrative precautions.


To receive relevant health services within the frame of such principles as respect, attention, favour, politeness and affection,


To benefit from relevant health services in such an environment that all hygienic conditions have been met and is free from noise and all disturbing factors.


To accept visitors in accordance with the procedures and principles specified by the institutions and organizations.

Hospital Attendants

To request to be accompanied by a hospital attendant to the extent allowed by the legislation and the opportunities of the health institutions and organizations and when the doctor deems suitable.

Uninterrupted Service

To benefit from health services whenever required.

This content was published by the medical editorial board on 24.03.2021 and updated on 08.03.2023.